Monday, December 31, 2007

Reflections of a Year Gone By

As I sit here and reflect on 2007, I realize an awful lot has happened in just one year. We are animal lovers, so always have a number of cats and dogs. One cat and one dog that celebrated New Year's with us last year are no longer here. The cat died of old age and the dog at a very young age of cancer. The youngest munchkin is really affected by the pets and these two deaths hit him very hard. The cat was bad enough, but it was at least expected. The dog was unexpected for all of us and from diagnosis to her death took only about three weeks. She passed away while the kids were at school, so telling them when they came home was really hard. Our youngest really lost it and it broke our hearts even more. Telling a child a beloved pet has passed is hard enough, but combine that with his special needs and the fact that he is very, very close to all the animals and this was probably one of the hardest things I've had to do as a parent.

But, there are happy things to reflect on as well. We gained two new kittens and one puppy during the year and they are all a delight to us. They definitely fill a hole in our lives.

The past year also brought other problems and delights. Our two boys suddenly lost their classroom aides in April. We were terrified, but much to our shock and delight, both kids did really well without them. It turned into a blessing in disguise.

OCD (Obsessive Compulsive Disorder) became much more prevalent in our home this past year. The oldest munchkin always showed some signs of it, but this past year it began to spiral out of control. We talk a lot to her about it and about how she needs to not give into it if possible. We all know that she can't control most of it, but if she can learn to control even a small amount, she will be better off in the long run. So far, we have not put her on any medication for it, but it is beginning to control her life more and more.

The youngest munchkin (#3) is showing more and more signs of OCD as well, but this is to be expected with the Tourette's. OCD is very common with TS. His obsessions generally have to do with numbers, such as the sound on the TV (measured in a numerical graph) must be set to an even number. If he is doing something like pushing a button, he must push it an even number of times. So far, these haven't interfered too much in his life, so I'm grateful for that.

Speaking of munchkin #3, the year also brought with it a three month period of intense tics for him. He has TS much more severely than his brother and this was one of those times where the difference between them was remarkable. We considered home schooling him for a while because he simply couldn't function in a classroom with these near-constant noises and movements. No one else in his class could concentrate either, so it didn't seem fair to the rest of the students. We finally ended up switching to a different tic medication and after a few dosage adjustments, the tics have settled down. He is much more impulsive than he used to be though, so I'm not thrilled with that. However, the important thing is that he can live a somewhat normal life, so the tic control becomes a priority.

Much more happened during the year, but it's been a long day, so I'll stop reminiscing here. I know 2008 will bring with it both good and bad times, but I am looking forward to it with the enthusiasm I see reflected in the kids eyes. A new year means the promise of new opportunities. Hopefully, we won't waste them. Besides, it's an even year - munchkin #3 will be elated!