Sunday, January 6, 2008

Back To School And Routine

It's been a busy week. The kids went back to school on Wednesday and we always hold our breaths with Munchkin #3 (youngest). There was a time when he was younger that he would have a real problem going back after a vacation like this. Thankfully, the last two years he has not had that reaction - he runs happily back into school and the routine he loves so much. This time was the same, but we still always have that worry in the back of our heads. When you have a kid like this, you know things can turn on a dime. You know that everything can be stable going to bed one night and by the next morning, things have fallen apart. It's happened so many times in the past that you learn to not trust the good times too much. It is just so easy for it all to fall apart.

His last battle with the tics was like this. He had enjoyed an almost tic-free summer - we heard or saw one or two every now and again. This phase lasted so long that we began to think maybe his TS was improving, even though we had been told to expect it to get worse as he approaches puberty. Then he woke up one day about a month into the school year with constant, non-stop tics. The night before, he had been fine and almost tic-free. Makes you wonder what exactly happened, but it is simply the nature of the disorder.

Most people have the view that the tics are either under voluntary control (they are NOT) and annoying (okay, they are that). When you have a child with near constant tics, going out is an adventure unto itself. Even relatives are annoyed and embarrassed by the child's bizarre behaviors. Imagine if you will taking your son out to a restaurant. Should be a simple, normal, and even routine thing by the time the child is 10, right? Now imagine that child is squeaking, spitting, grimacing, yelling out nonsensical words, throwing his arms up in the air, and shaking his entire body - non-stop. He puts food on his fork and jerks his arms, sending the food flying. Food goes in his mouth, but he has to spit at just that moment, so out it comes again. Then he begins to get upset because people are looking, staring, making rude comments. The more upset he gets, the worse the tics get.

I think you can see my point. Going ANYWHERE is almost impossible. School became a nightmare, and life became one as well. His body hurt from doing these motions over and over again, his throat hurt from all the vocal tics. The only time he got a break was when he was sound asleep, but try just falling asleep doing all of the above. Thankfully, he sees a specialist who changed his medication and got them under better control. We still see more than we did over the summer, but he's back to living a normal life again at least. Well, normal as it gets, anyway.

Back to school though. I got off the track a bit! They all went back on Wednesday and of course the two boys were sick (and stayed home) by Friday. Can't win - germs seem to follow my three around and attack every other day. Yep, I know every parent feels this way!

Anyway, on Thursday morning, I finally realized something. Getting the youngest (Munchkin #3) up and dressed for school is always a challenge. Well, he didn't want to wake up and was running late as a consequence. So there I am telling him to hurry, he's going to be late, put your shoes on, etc. and I look at him - he's going slower and slower. The more I say to hurry, the longer he has to take to do even the simplest of things. My frustration levels, needless to say, were sky high and here's this kid just glaring at me. Hmmm. Normal kid passive/aggressive behavior for being hurried when he doesn't want to be? I'm beginning to think so. He has been very resistant lately to anyone telling him to do things he doesn't want to do. Now, all kids resist that, but he does it by whining and complaining loudly, and just not listening to anyone else. He does this endlessly until he either gets his own way or finally gives up.

I'm beginning to see a pattern here, but I haven't quite figured it out or what to do about it. He's always been a difficult child to discipline as he doesn't react the way other kids do. When he was younger, I'd put him in timeout and he'd refuse to come out of it. Or, he'd have a meltdown. So, you never know with this kid. But, I am starting to see that this latest bit is his way of protesting things he doesn't like. Don't get me wrong - I'd MUCH rather have this than hitting or meltdowns. But, I'm wondering how to get past it, especially things like the slowing down when you're late thing! I will need to give this more thought.