Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Welcome to 2008

What a way to start 2008 - Munchkin #3 (youngest) had a meltdown first thing this morning. Now, by "first thing" I mean 11am. We stayed up last night to watch the ball drop in Times Square on television, so the routine was definitely off. This didn't help. With TS and it's associated disorders, routine is king. But, it was New Year's Eve ... we wanted to make it special. Sometimes, even when routine is king, you just have to go with your gut and make those memories for the kids. Of course, then there is the morning after.

Ironic that I was reflecting on the animals we lost during 2007. Apparently #3 had been thinking along the same lines because this morning he began crying about the dog we lost to cancer. This became a full-blown "meltdown" before long. For anyone who has never experienced a child during a meltdown, it is difficult to describe. They just lose themselves in the misery of whatever the situation is and no amount of reasoning gets them out of it. It's been my experience that you just have to repeatedly tell them you understand how they are feeling, and wait it out. Eventually, the meltdown runs out of steam.

In the case of this morning, he progressed from missing the dog to crying hysterically that he was terrified the rest of us would die and leave him all alone. This is his anxiety disorder showing it's ugly head. I hate the anxiety disorder. I have watched it wreak havoc with my son's life for years now. I can take all the tics and obsessions and even the hyperactive and impulsive behavior. But, the anxiety kills me. It makes my little boy terrified and there is nothing I can do to help him other than listen and try to calm his fears. It rarely works, although as he gets older, he seems to bounce back better.

Anyway, the meltdown lasted almost an hour. Worst one we've seen in a long time. He's calm now, and his sister has been playing with him all afternoon. Every once in a while, I can see the sweet girl she really is underneath all those teen hormones! They all return to school tomorrow and I hope the return to the routine will help things. I also hope there is no anxiety about returning. We've had that in the past where, after an extended period of time off, he has trouble going back into the classroom. It's part separation anxiety for being away from us, and part school anxiety since he tends to have a tough time in school and always has. For all that though, he stills wakes up with a smile on his face every day. I love this kid.